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Rollover accident successfully defended by Christopher R. Hedrick, Esq.

In the case of Blazier v. Parkin, the defendant never saw the vehicle in which the plaintiff was a passenger. The defendant struck the drivers side of the plaintiff’s vehicle causing it to roll over several times before coming to a rest. Liability was stipulated and the case was tried to a jury in James City County on July 14 – 15, 2008 solely on the issue of damages. The plaintiff alleged that as a result of the accident she had sustained injury to her neck and to her left had and arm. Plaintiff maintained that her neck strain was permanent and would require the life time use of a TENS unit and prescription medication. In addition, the plaintiff maintained she has sustained tear of the Triangular Fibro Cartiledge Complex in her left writs, requiring surgical repair. At trial the defendant contested both the severity and extent of the neck strain and relatedness of the left wrist condition. The surgical procedure reflected a ganglion cyst as both the pre surgical and post surgical diagnosis. Plaintiff called a professor emeritus from the University of Pittsburg School of Medicine specializing in hand surgery to support the causation. The defense called Dr. Samuel Cline to rebut the mechanism of injury upon review of the complete file. At the conclusion of the plaintiff’s evidence the total medical bills presented were in excess of $40,000, with claimed lost wages of $4500, and the cost of future medical treatment. The jury retired and deliberated for 1 ½ hours before delivering its verdict in the amount of $65,000.